Disease Health Management

There are about 100,000 people in the US. Worldwide there are about 300,000 babies born with sickle cell disease (SCD) every year, and the majority in low-income countries will pass away before their 5th birthday. As this is an incredibly rare community, finding/acquiring these patients posed a challenge to providing support resources to those in need


We executed a 3 month promotional social media patient acquisition strategy, including social ad campaigns and social media influencer promotion, designed to acquire new patients into an sickle cell patient app community.

We also designed and integrated an in-app content strategy to retain patients, and dedicated to key stages in the patient journey. The strategy included live events, tailored in-app content and community manager support.


500+ new patients acquired
In-app engagement increased from once a week to 3x a week
Increase of patients completing in-app tailored programs to support patient journey