Top Benefits of a Proprietary Patient Social Platform

As new technology advancements emerge, healthcare continues to evolve into an unprecedented world of interconnectedness. Most pharmaceutical brands understand the need to meet patients where they are, and that a social media strategy is paramount to not only maximizing patient engagement opportunities, but maintaining a foothold in a competitive market.

However, traditional social media platforms are challenging in the pharmaceutical landscape, where misinformation runs rampant, managing adverse event reporting can be an insurmountable feat and the investment is contingent on the whims and algorithms of a handful of social media platforms that are ever changing. It’s not surprising that brands approach social strategy with trepidation, even with vast evidence demonstrating that social communities and peer-to-peer support can drastically improve patient outcomes. 

For example, after nearly a decade of providing patients with peer-to-peer support by way of the social features in our patient platform, RxPx data provides some interesting findings. We found that 86% of patients engage with our mobile platforms weekly. Our research also shows that 81% of users stay on therapy, and 73% are better able to manage side-effects. 

In a published, peer reviewed paper of women with cardiovascular disease who used RxPx, 80% reported increased interest in self-management. Says Amanda Simmons (RxPx Community Manager), “I think the way our platform takes that holistic approach has been really significant to the return on health to our patients.” 

Social Media and Widespread Healthcare Misinformation

The challenges of misinformation alone are sufficient for brands to shy away from social media initiatives. Both healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients are increasingly exposed to a flood of unverified, misleading, or outright false information. This can lead to dangerous consequences, including poor health outcomes, erosion of trust in medical systems, and diminished quality of care. For pharmaceutical brands, addressing this issue is critical – not just for patient well-being, but also for maintaining the integrity of their brands.

The sharing of non-research-backed information has become alarmingly common. For example, a study on diabetes misconceptions found that of a staggering 54% of patients with type 2 diabetes reported being able to feel when blood glucose levels are high, 29% expected a doctor to cure them of diabetes, and 23% believed that diabetes medications were unnecessary when their glucose levels appeared normal. Such misconceptions can lead to serious health risks.

The problem is exacerbated by traditional social media platforms, where health misinformation runs rampant. Research indicates that 1% to 51% of posts related to vaccines contain misinformation, and 20-30% of YouTube videos on emerging infectious diseases contain inaccurate or misleading content. While these platforms can potentially propagate valuable, evidence-based information, they also serve as conduits for misinformation, posing a significant threat to public health.

So, how can pharma provide social platforms for their therapies in a way that is safe not only for patients, but also for the brand? By partnering with RxPx, pharmaceutical brands are able to adapt impactful social strategies that facilitate powerful interconnection and pathways to valuable health literacy resources, while also protecting their investment and offering the ability to report adverse events in a streamlined way.

A Proprietary Patient Social Platform

For patients, a private social platform dedicated to a community of individuals who have been diagnosed with the same condition or are on the same therapy offers a powerful solution not only to feelings of disconnection and isolation, but also to the crisis of health misinformation. 

By providing a space where patients can connect with others facing similar challenges, access accurate research-backed health information, and leverage personal health tracking information that enables data-driven conversations with their HCPs, social platforms can empower patients rather than make them feel more scared, confused or out-of-control.

Proprietary patient social platforms offer a range of benefits that significantly enhance the patient experience and foster a more engaged, informed community. These benefits include:

1. Community Support: A proprietary platform allows patients to find a supportive community of individuals who share similar health challenges. This sense of community fosters empathy, encouragement, and a shared understanding, which can be instrumental in managing chronic conditions or navigating complex health issues.

I’ve really gained more clarity from this platform than I originally thought I was going to! I used to sit in hospital beds and at home wondering if there was someone out there experiencing what I’m experiencing and how they’re getting through it and now I KNOW! – Patient feedback from RxPx Patient Platform

2. Education and Health Literacy: Current healthcare systems and patient platforms are not adequately addressing the needs of patients, with 46% of RxPx patients saying they did not have access to reliable information during their early-stage diagnosis and treatment. Yet studies show that patients are keen on educational resources, with 84% to 89% of patients expressing a strong interest in accessing content through their patient platforms, and many intending to use these resources regularly. For more insights into the importance of patient education, check out our article “Is Your Patient Support Content Making an Impact?” which delves deeper into this critical aspect of patient engagement.

Using proprietary platform solutions provides patients with access to reliable, research-backed health literacy and lifestyle content.This ensures that patients are making informed decisions based on accurate information, reducing the risk of misconceptions and improving overall health outcomes.

3. Connection and Peer Engagement: By facilitating connections between patients and their peers – and between patients and HCPs – a patient platform can encourage strong self-advocacy. Patients become more confident in discussing their health with their providers, leading to better communication and more effective care.

4. Tailored to Specific Patient Populations: One of the standout features of a proprietary platform is its ability to customize content and resources to meet the unique needs of different patient demographics or conditions. This personalization enhances patient engagement and ensures that information provided is relevant and actionable. Our Patient Platform uses an intelligent AI concierge alongside a human community manager to gather information about what resources and support each specific patient needs for a personalized experience that truly meets each patient where they are.

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-Feedback from patients across several  RxPx branded Patient Platforms

5. User Trust and Data Security: Trust is a critical component of any digital health platform. A Deloitte study shows that nearly 72% of patients are more likely to choose a healthcare provider who offers secure digital communication options. A proprietary platform, backed by reputable healthcare providers, assures patients that their data is secure and that the information they receive is accurate and trustworthy.

The Opportunity for Brand Executives

For pharmaceutical brand executives, investing in a proprietary patient social platform offers numerous strategic benefits such as:

1. Control and protection of your investment: Unlike third-party platforms such as Meta, where algorithm changes can impact visibility and access, a proprietary platform allows you to maintain control over your content and engagement strategies. This ensures that your investment in patient engagement is protected and that you retain ownership of your community.

2. Content moderation and misinformation control: On a proprietary platform, you can implement customized content moderation systems to flag and manage misinformation or inappropriate content. This capability not only protects your brand’s reputation but also helps to combat the spread of misinformation, ensuring that patients receive accurate and helpful information.

3. Monitoring for adverse events A proprietary platform allows for more effective monitoring of patient interactions and the identification of potential adverse events. This capability is crucial for maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements and for ensuring patient safety.

4. Superior data insights: The data collected on a proprietary platform is more valuable and actionable than that obtained from traditional social media platforms. This data provides deeper insights into patient demographics, behaviors, and needs, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies and improve patient engagement.

A proprietary patient social platform, like the one RxPx offers, provides pharma brands with a powerful tool for combating misinformation, enhancing patient engagement, and improving health outcomes. By fostering a sense of community, providing access to reliable information, and ensuring data security, these platforms can not only empower patients but also strengthen the patient-provider relationship. For pharmaceutical brands, the benefits extend to better control over content, superior data insights, and a more effective way to monitor and manage patient interactions.

To learn more about how a proprietary patient social platform can benefit your brand, download our free eBook, “Delivering Exceptional Patient Value: A Practical Guide for Brand Executives”, or book a demo today. Take the next step in transforming patient engagement and improving health outcomes.